Adenomyosis is now considered a standard disorder that predominantly affects women in their late reproductive or early perimenopausal years (from 35-50). However, it's now increasingly seen as a condition identified in young fertile-age women. It's thought to arise from the abnormal growth and invasion of the endometrial tissue into the myometrium, although it can spread wider to other areas also.
The symptoms experienced include menorrhagia, congestive pain, and heaviness of the abdomen. The foremost effect thanks to confirming adenomyosis is to look at the uterus after a hysterectomy; however, pelvic imaging like an ultrasound or MRI can detect signs of the condition. The pelvic examination usually shows an outsized, bulky, or irregular-shaped uterus which is painful when palpated.
Notice and notify
Address heavy bleeding to reduce the pain. There are many herbal remedies available at holistic health stores. In severe cases, however, conventional medicines could also be required to stem the bleeding.
Salt bath
Soaking during a warm bath with Epsom salts helps relieve pelvic congestion. Epsom salts are high in magnesium so using magnesium oil or maybe making your own is another good choice to build up magnesium levels. Sitz baths have also demonstrated great leads to treating adenomyosis.
Essential fatty acids like animal oil and anti-inflammatory herbs like Boswellia, common unicorn plant, Cramp Bark, and Eucommia can help reduce localized congestion and inflammation of the pelvic region.
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