Saturday, November 12, 2022

Are you Confused about Self Breast Exam


Breast self-examination has its own potential risk. The majority of alterations or lumps found in women's breasts are not malignant. Even yet, discovering anything suspicious in your breast might make you nervous about what it could signify.

You may have to wait several days before seeing your doctor. If you find a suspicious lump, you may need to have an imaging test, such as a diagnostic mammography or a breast ultrasound, or you may need to have breast tissue removed for evaluation (biopsy).

If the lump turns out to be noncancerous (benign), you may feel that you had an unnecessary intrusive operation.

However, "breast awareness," together with frequent screening, is a vital aid in the early diagnosis of breast cancer.

Here are some steps to Examine Breast Cancer 

Step 1: Examine Your Breasts Every Month at the Same Time

Changes in your breast tissue might be caused by hormonal swings throughout the month. After your menstruation, when your breasts are less sensitive and swollen, is the greatest time to get to know your own breasts.

Step 2: Learn Your Anatomy

Begin your own examination by inspecting your breasts. Examine them from every aspect, even with your shoulders bent forward, to identify any puckering or skin changes. Then, with varied degrees of pressure, feel your breasts with the pads of your fingertips. If you are unable to learn such things you should definitely look for the best gynecology doctor in Indore.

Because everyone's breasts are a little lumpy/bumpy due to mammary glandular tissue, it's crucial to understand your unique, typical structure. If you feel a little lumpiness on one side, it is frequently present on the opposite side as well.

Make an effort to become acquainted with how your breasts feel in all locations, including around the nipple and all the way into your armpit. Most essential, don't rush and take your time.

Step 3: Examine the Breasts for Changes

Please notify your clinician straight away if you see anything unexpected or concerning. Any bulge that is expanding, changing, or becoming uncomfortable is cause for concern. Consult the best gynecologist in Indore, if you notice any changes in the appearance of your breast skin, such as redness, warmth, scales, itching, or sores. Nipple discharge, especially if bloody, should be evaluated further.

What Exactly is PCOS?

One such medical issue is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or polycystic ovary disorder (PCOD). It is more common in women of reproductive age owing to hormonal imbalance. The level of male hormone - 'Androgen' - in the woman's body rises, and there are many cysts on the ovaries.

It can also be inherited, and being overweight increases the likelihood of it occurring. Too much stress in one's life might also be a contributing factor.

What are the Symptoms/Signs of this?

Only the females who have a period problem must deal with the problem of Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD). If this condition is diagnosed at a young age, it is treatable.

  • Gaining Weight During the Menstrual Cycle Exhaustion
  • Extra hair growth on the body and face, hair loss, pelvic discomfort, acne, headaches, sleep issues, mood swings, and so on.
  • Aside from that, it can cause an imbalance of high blood pressure, diabetes, and other hormones. When this problem worsens, it becomes more difficult for the woman to conceive.

How can you avoid PCOS?
PCOS cannot be treated, but it may be prevented by adopting adjustments to your lifestyle and daily routine, as well as eating nutritious foods.

weight management
Exercise on a regular basis
Adopt a healthy lifestyle
Take care of nutrition intake.

If you are still confused to whom to consult for your PCOS pain, search for the best PCOS treatment in Indore 

Never Smoke During Pregnancy

The Dangers of Smoking During Pregnancy

Cigarettes contain a variety of substances, including carbon monoxide, nicotine, and tar, which are dangerous to both the mother and the infant. Preterm delivery, miscarriage, congenital deformities in the newborn, low birth weight, and infant mortality are all increased by smoking during pregnancy. Not only that, but the child's ability to hear and see may be compromised. There are also cases of sudden death syndrome and mental impairment.

Advice for Smoking Reduction 

If a pregnant woman quits smoking in the early stages of her pregnancy, she may give birth to a kid in the same manner that other women do, and the child is delivered in the same way that all other children are born.

1. Ginger Gooseberry Powder

To get rid of smoke, dry gooseberry and ginger and grind them into a fine powder in a grinder. After that, store this powder in a clean box. When you want to smoke a cigarette, however, add salt and lemon to this mixture and break it.

2. Red Chilli

Whenever you feel the temptation to smoke, take a pinch of red chilli powder in a glass of water, mix it in, and drink it.

3. Chew Fennel

Fennel has also been shown to be useful in the treatment of cigarette addiction. To do this, everytime you want to smoke a cigarette, put a little fennel in your mouth and chew it gently.

4. Lemonade Yourself

You can also quit smoking by drinking lemonade. As soon as you get out of bed, squeeze a lemon into two glasses of lukewarm water, stir in a tiny bit of honey, and drink.

So that's all in this blog if you want to know more about pregnancy precautions get consulted with the best gynecologist in Indore

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