Monday, September 26, 2022

When to Drink Coconut Water During Pregnancy, When Not to Drink

When to Drink Coconut Water During Pregnancy, When Not to Drink(प्रेग्नेंसी में नारियल पानी कब पिएं, कब नहीं पिएं)--

There are many benefits of drinking coconut water during pregnancy:-

Knowing the right time to drink coconut water during pregnancy is very important. Coconut water is a natural beverage. Which is rich in many vitamins and minerals. And there is no fat inside it.

Because of this, its side effects are negligible. That's why you can drink coconut water from the first day of pregnancy or even before and till the end of pregnancy and even after that without any fear.

How Much Coconut Water to Drink:-

Friends, nothing is certain about how much coconut water should be drunk. It depends a little on your body and your capacity. Because it does not have any side effects, you can drink coconut water a little more or a little less according to your desire.

But still if you drink coconut water how much water. If you want to know this, then you can drink at least 250ml coconut water, every day in a day,

If you want, you can drink 250ml of coconut water twice a day with a difference of 5 or 6 hours.

You can drink more than this, but you should not overdo anything during pregnancy.

Secondly, if there is an excess of any nutrient in the body, then the body does not absorb it. That's how it goes out of the body. So there is no benefit of drinking too much.

No matter what the food item is, it is not necessary that it is only coconut water, if you are taking any other food item. And the nutrients that are in it are already in sufficient quantity in your body, then the body does not absorb it from that food, there is no benefit of eating it or eating more.

When to drink coconut water:-

If you want, you can take coconut water in the morning during breakfast. After getting fresh in the morning, you can also start the day with coconut water. If you want, you can drink coconut water after breakfast and also in between lunch. And in the evening around 4:00 pm, between the time between lunch and dinner, you can drink coconut water.

Keep one thing in mind, if you are taking fruit juice along with coconut water, you are taking mixed juice. So you take it only once in evening number or morning number is enough.


  • One, it fulfills the lack of water, there is no dehydration and eliminates fatigue.
  • Coconut water strengthens the immune system.
  • Controls the weight of the woman.
  • If there is any kind of infection in urine, then it is beneficial.
  • If coconut is consumed regularly, then their mood starts improving.
  • There are hormonal changes in pregnancy, due to which many types of problems start coming in the body, then it helps in reducing all those problems.
  • Provides nourishment to the child.
  • Enhances Digestion

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Irregular Periods Treatment for Unmarried

Irregular Periods Treatment for Unmarried

There are many such household foods, which if we use them in a fixed way, then the problem of women's period can be ended to a great extent.

This same thing comes again that if it is not diagnosed, then this problem starts spreading again.

Therefore, we will try to tell you some more such things which are the root of this problem and will also discuss its treatment together.

Mainly, the problem of irregular periods in women is being seen nowadays at an early age. Why this happens is not even understood. Because at a young age, the woman's body remains completely healthy. Stays energetic. Still this problem comes:-

Irregular Periods Treatment:

Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera has got the title of nectar in Ayurveda. It helps you to overcome many types of problems. In such a situation, it will help you to overcome your period problem. You have to take it both in the morning and in the evening. You have to drink 50 grams of Aloe Vera juice mixed with a glass of water every morning, and in the same way you have to use it in the evening number as well.

According to your problem, use it for 15 to 1 month. You will definitely benefit from this, just you have to keep in mind that you do not have to eat anything for half an hour before and 1 hour after taking it.

Green Leafy Vegetables:

If you are not taking green leafy vegetables regularly, then you should start taking them, especially in the winter season, they are available in very good quantity in the market. Use them regularly in the morning and evening both in lunch and dinner. Gradually this will eliminate your hormone al problem.

Almonds and Dates:

They are generally used in the winter season anyway, and now-a-days the winter season is going on, so for this, you should soak 4 almonds, 2 chickpeas in water in the evening, and use them with sugar candy in the morning.

If you have the facility then they can be eaten with butter in the morning also. Only after 40 minutes you eat something, you will see that if you use it regularly, then all your period related problems will start ending gradually.

Having Irregular Periods? Contact your gynecologist in Indore. 

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