Friday, April 15, 2022

Afraid of Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

Let's face it, women frequently struggle with body image, which is even worse for pregnant ladies. Your body is undergoing rapid change, so you might be wondering: How much weight should I anticipate gaining while pregnant?

It's not just you. It's a topic of conversation that many of Garden OB/patients GYN's bring up. to assist in allaying any worries you might have regarding weight gain.

She had some advise to share after having two successful deliveries of two content and healthy infants that might be helpful to you on your own motherhood journey.

Put your routines first:

Routines are crucial in and of themselves, but creating them during pregnancy fosters self-responsibility. You have the power to commit to actions that improve your wellbeing.

Keep up your busy way of life:

The advantages of staying active while pregnant are numerous. For instance, exercising lowers the likelihood of problems, releases feel-good endorphins, and actually prepares your body for a quicker recovery after childbirth, to name a few benefits.

Give in to your cravings, but put a healthy diet first:

Overindulging during pregnancy is a common cause of excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

The expression "you're eating for two now" is ubiquitous, although in reality, a baby just requires less food than an adult who is fully developed. In fact, only about 340 to 460 extra calories should be added to your diet for the remainder of your pregnancy. Your diet may only need minor alterations during the first trimester. The moral of the story is that while it's vital to be mindful of your overall diet, you should enjoy the things that you prefer.

Take care of yourself:

Keep in mind the magnitude of what you are producing—a new human life! You won't have as much room to think about anything else if you concentrate on all the positives. Make sure you extend yourself a lot of mercy and grace. After all, your child will learn about love from the way you treat yourself, so model it well!

Respect and believe in your physical path:

Never lose sight of the fact that you are not the first person to experience pregnancy. Since the beginning of time, women's bodies have expanded to give birth and then rearranged themselves thereafter. You have to think that your body is an expert.

Get best pregnancy counselling by best gynecologist in Indore.

Physiotherapy in Pregnancy


You require more care throughout during pregnancy and after giving birth. Supporting ligaments become softer and more elastic throughout pregnancy and for up to six months following delivery due to changing hormone levels. As your baby grows and is born, the muscles in your pelvic floor and belly will stretch. It is simple to hurt your back or pelvis when the joints are not properly supported.

Physical therapy during pregnancy may be helpful for treating typical aches and pains like back pain or for improving your body's capacity for a more comfortable pregnancy and delivery. Physical therapy has uses beyond just healing. Therefore, it will be beneficial to incorporate physiotherapy while you are pregnant.

During pregnancy, the main goal of physical therapy is to assist the body in resolving problems with mobility, muscles, circulation, and respiration. A detailed assessment is conducted before beginning an efficient prenatal (before birth) programme to identify which workouts would be best suited to the women's demands. Visit us, the best gynecologist in Indore, for a thorough discussion on physiotherapy during pregnancy.

Here are some typical problems that pregnant women feel and how physiotherapy might help:

1) Low back pain: The most prevalent pregnancy symptom, low back pain gets worse after the third trimester as the centre of gravity shifts because of the growing belly. Manual and passive physiotherapy, back support, posture instruction, and some pilates exercises can all be used to treat this.

2) Sacroiliac joint discomfort: These joints are located in the lowest part of the lower back. The buttock area is typically where this pain is most intense. The body's connective tissues have a tendency to relax during pregnancy as a result of the overproduction of hormones, allowing the muscles to stretch and aid in delivery. The sacroiliac muscles and ligaments may become more mobile as a result, leading to erratic joint motions.

3) Urinary incontinence (caused by weak pelvic floor muscles): Hormonal changes cause the pelvic floor muscles to relax, preparing the area for delivery. Therefore, during pregnancy and childbirth, these muscles may become weaker and more stressed, which may result in urine incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. Pilates-based exercise programmes and the assistance of physiotherapists in strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can both help to prevent postpartum muscle weakness.

4) Sciatica: Constant pressure or strain on the sciatic nerve can cause back pain, leg weakness, tingling, and numbness, among other symptoms. You can get rid of these symptoms using manual therapy and stretching exercises in physiotherapy.

5) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: The wrist's carpal tunnel swells as a result of excessive fluid buildup. Pain, numbness, tingling, and a great deal of coordination in your hands and fingers are some symptoms. These symptoms can be lessened with the help of physiotherapy methods like mobilization, stretching, strengthening exercises, and the use of electric modalities.

While it is necessary to engage in physiotherapy while pregnant, exercising properly is even more crucial. We believe in treating you right, and our antenatal sessions can give you access to a secure setting while being monitored by physiotherapists who can assist you in creating a personalized workout regimen for your pregnancy and beyond.

You can get more information about this then contact a gynecologist in Indore.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Five Green Checks you Need in a High-Risk Pregnancy.

 Other age-related factors may contribute to a high-risk pregnancy as well. Teens under the age of 17 who are pregnant are more likely to be unaware of having a sexually transmitted disease (STI) and are more likely to develop high blood pressure and anemia during pregnancy. Likewise, adults having their first pregnancy over the age of 35 are also at risk in some cases. 

Eat Right and Eat Well.

When you are pregnant, they say you can "eat for two," but that shouldn't be interpreted as eating twice as much of whatever you'd like! Gaining weight from the wrong foods during pregnancy can lead to issues, especially if you are already prone to obesity or diabetes. Focus on eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, or lean meats, and avoid overly sugary or processed foods. Also, consider thoroughly cooked seafood options once a week, as seafood is filled with tons of vitamins and minerals like omega3 fatty acids, zinc, and iron.

Work Out Under The Guidance.

Maintaining a consistent workout routine throughout your pregnancy can help you stay healthy and feel great. Regular exercise can help combat insomnia, muscle pain, excessive weight gain, and mood problems. There is also evidence that physical activity may prevent gestational diabetes, relieve stress, and build stamina. If you exercised regularly before pregnancy, you might talk to your doctor about maintaining that routine during pregnancy.

Get Good Sleep

It won't always be easy to get quality sleep when pregnant. You might pass out after sitting on the couch or toss and turn all night. While you adjust to the changes in hormones, water retention, and blood flow that come with a pregnancy, you'll find it more challenging to get a good night's sleep. Take a quick nap whenever you feel tired, and fit some extra rest into your schedule.

Contact the high-risk pregnancy doctor in Indore for details.

Tips for Dealing Better with Fibroids


As any woman who has ever suffered from uterine fibroids can tell you, they can be extremely painful. In addition to symptoms like the need to urinate frequently, constipation, heavy menstrual bleeding, or prolonged menstrual periods, fibroids often cause pelvic pressure or pain, backaches, and leg pains. Sometimes this fibroid pain can become acute.

Determine The Type:

There are different treatment measures available for uterine fibroids versus calcified fibroids. Although it may seem like a no-brainer, the tip below (Visit Your Doctor Regularly) will help you with this tip and speed up your overall treatment program exponentially. For instance, if you have a degenerating fibroid, you may require surgery, and it is better to know this earlier than later.

Increased Vitamin D

One of the main reasons African American women are three times more likely to develop fibroids than white women is the genetic predisposition towards less natural vitamin D production in the body. Take a vitamin D supplement every day if recommended by your doctor.

Contact the gynecologist in Indore, for best help.

Consider Options

Fibroid embolization is a minimally invasive procedure that an experienced physician conducts to eliminate the primary source of fibroid pain. It does require incisions, but they are small, and there is usually only one needed. You will recover much more quickly and have fewer side effects and pain from this treatment than from some of the more severe treatments you may incur if your situation goes untreated for a long time.

Use a Heating Pad

Although it does not replace a more long-term treatment, a heating pad can be a tremendous short-term relief to fibroid pain in the stomach. Fibroids cause inflammation that can completely immobilize a person, and heating the affected areas will increase mobility. This is especially important for your safety if you are driving by yourself, as some fibroid pains can be so intense as distracting. Invest in a mobile heating pad if you have a life on the go.


For Fibroid surgery in Indore, reach out to us.

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