Thursday, July 14, 2022

What are the Things to be Kept in Mind During Pregnancy?

What are the things to be kept in mind during pregnancy - 

प्रेगनेंसी के दौरान किन किन बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए -

Nowadays families live in nuclear family. Because of which if women become pregnant, then they do not get the benefit of the experience of the elder women of the house.

Due to lack of information, pregnant women make many such mistakes. Which they have no idea about. In the beginning of pregnancy, many precautions have to be taken like:

• Do not lift heavy items,

• Not smoking or consuming alcohol and

• Do not eat wrong diet etc.

If you will defend yourself from the beginning and show understanding, then there will be no problem in your delivery.

Today we are going to tell you such things which you should keep in mind during pregnancy. Meet gynecologist in Indore to get extra tips during pregnancy.

  • Meditation to drink water - (पानी पीने का ध्यान):

Women should take special care of drinking water during pregnancy. The body of women should always be hydrated during pregnancy. It is very important for the health of the child.

  • Wash fruits thoroughly - (फलों को अच्छी तरह से धोएं):

Before eating fruits, women should make sure that the fruits are thoroughly washed.

The main reason for this is that we eat fruits raw. And the fruits come to us through many types of channels. So there is a fear of getting infected anywhere.

At other times, many types of chemicals are used on fruits from outside. So that it looks beautiful and fresh, then it becomes very necessary to wash the fruits very well and eat them.

  • Avoid eating raw food - (कच्चा भोजन खाने से बचें):

We believe that raw food is more nutritious than cooked food. But along with its nutritional value, it can also contain many types of bacteria inside it. Which can cause a lot of harm to the unborn baby.

In such a situation, whatever food we eat, cook it well and eat it, so that if there is any kind of bacteria inside it, then it gets destroyed.

  • Do not eat junk food - (जंक फूड ना खाएं):

Women are advised to eat nutritious food during pregnancy. In such a situation, if the woman eats junk food. It can harm her and her unborn baby.

Women should completely stay away from junk food during pregnancy. A special thing about junk food is that no nutrients are found in it, it only contains energy, which will only work to increase your weight.

  • Folic Acid Use - (फोलिक एसिड का प्रयोग):

Folic acid is very much needed during pregnancy. It plays a very important role in the overall development of the child. Therefore, women should eat during pregnancy for about 3 months.

Otherwise, you can continue it further with the advice of the doctor. If possible, women should start taking it from 3 months before pregnancy, it strengthens the body of women.

Contact a gynecologist in Indore to get normal delivery with the best pregnancy expert. 

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